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PFLAG York promotes the health and well-being of all LGBTQ+ people and their parents, families, and friends through support, education, and advocacy. Learn more about what we do and how we do this.

York PFLAG Booth

Our Mission

To create a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.

Learn More About PFLAG National
PFLAG York members advocating for Marriage Equality in Downtown York City.
PFLAG York members advocating for Marriage Equality in Downtown York City.

Our History

Founded in 1994, the local chapter of PFLAG York has supported, educated, and advocated for LGBTQ+ families and individuals ever since. Learn more about our founding and our work since then.

The PFLAG York Banner shows how all variety of families are equally welcomed.
The PFLAG York Banner shows how all variety of families are equally welcomed.

Reach Out

We host monthly meetings on the third Tuesday from 7-9PM. Learn how to participate and how to contact us between meetings here.